Our philosophy is simple: Fitness has to be a way of life in order to achieve a healthy balance physically and mentally. Our bodies will give us in return exactly what we put into them; if it is processed food, empty calories, and inactivity, our bodies will react accordingly (feeling sluggish, bloated, and tired). If we train our bodies to function optimally and provide the fuel it desires, the result will be to have more energy, feel stronger, and mentally sharper.

It is not necessary to spend hours in the gym, and it certainly helps to find a mode of exercise that is enjoyable. Soon exercise will become an outlet to relieve stress and an opportunity to do something that is just for you. Exercise should be something we look forward to, not dread.

We work indoors, we live in cities, and we are constantly stimulated with electronic gadgets. Many of us spend eight hours or more per day sitting. It is no surprise that most people are completely disconnected to nature. This disconnection has created a void that can only be filled by experiencing the outdoors in a meaningful way that engages us mentally, physically, and emotionally. Its time to find adventure in your life again!

In a world filled with more choices and information than we can process, it can be difficult to sift through the “lose weight quick” gimmicks and magic pills. But at the end of the day, the answer is what we have known all along. Food can be a source of healing and vitality, or it can literally destroy our well being. Regular physical activity can be the difference between trudging through your work day feeling exhausted and uninspired, or having the kind of energy to embrace each day with vigor and purpose!

You only have one life and one body
Be a part of the Revolution!

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